Certified Financial Advisers

Registered Financial Advisers

15,318 advisers on the ASIC Financial Adviser Register at end December 2024

AFSLs and dealer groups

AFSLs and dealer groups

29% of financial advisers are aligned to institutionally owned licensees at end December 2024

Funds under advice

Funds under advice

$1,132 billion in platforms funds under advice in Australia at end December 2024

Leading database, search and insight capabilities about AFSLs and financial advisers

Rainmaker compiles data from the ASIC financial adviser register of financial advisers/planners, Australian Financial Services Licences (AFSL) numbers, funds under advice, platforms under advice and other publicly available data sources.

This information is then packaged into the RainmakerLive terminal, the Financial Adviser Report, the Wholesale Advantage Report as well as into data solutions to provide leading insights into the financial advice landscape.

Products about the financial advice industry
RainmakerLive Wholesale

The RainmakerLive wholesale terminal captures all of Rainmaker's financial adviser data and research, analysing adviser databases and movements, AFSL searches and license conditions as well as platform usage.

Research reports
Research Reports

Rainmaker has published research reports on the financial advice industry since 2002. The Financial Adviser Report and Wholesale Advantage Report identify movements in adviser numbers as well as capital shifts across platforms.

Data and CRM solutions
Data and CRM solutions

Rainmaker's tailored data solutions clean your existing financial adviser database and can also provide feeds of financial adviser, AFSL and platform funds under advice information directly to your system.

Get connected with leading financial adviser and AFSL insights

Contact our Business Development team to arrange a demonstration of our suite of database, search and insight capabilities about AFSLs and financial advisers.

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