Subscribers to RainmakerLive can arrange a training session to run through all features in the application including account and contact data, investment analytics and market share, CompareOnline for super funds, research reports, news alerts, and platform sales reporting.
We encourage our subscribers to invite additional team members to training sessions to further understanding the strategic, distribution, product and marketing capabilities that RainmakerLive offers.
The application also includes a tutorial library to help guide you through key functions.
Contact us to arrange training of the datasets that can be fed into your marketing and sales systems, such as Salesforce or Hubspot.
Training and integration sessions will be organised by the client success team, bringing together technical experts to ensure the data is most accurately represented in your systems.
Contact us to arrange training with our research and data teams, facilitated by your client success manager.
Wealth managers can provide performance data to ensure they are eligible for awards and ratings, such as Money’s Best of the Best Awards.
Training can also be arranged with executive and management teams to discuss the findings of Rainmaker Information’s research reports in further detail.
Assistance and training is available to subscribers of RainmakerLive, data and CRM solutions, CPD as well as for Rainmaker Information’s research reports and ratings.
Training can be provided either in person or online and is available Monday to Friday, during business hours.