Identifying the Best of the Best

Money magazine provides specialist content and tools that allow Australians to save more and make the most of their investments.  

SelectingSuper’s resources and more than 20 years of superannuation knowledge and data have recently been integrated into Money magazine’s website, offering a wealth of information and performance data to readers.

Using research from Rainmaker Information, Money celebrates the best super funds, investment managers, insurers, banks and more through the annual Best of the Best and Consumer Finance Awards. The awards assist consumers in identifying products that can help them earn and save more.

Best Super Fund – Hall of Fame

Superannuation assessment


Money magazine’s awards and editorial content are supported by data and research from Rainmaker Information.

Superannuation members

Connect with an engaged audience

Be seen at the crucial moment when prospective clients are making their investment and budgeting decisions.

Independent superannuation research

Trusted source

Money has provided independent content and financial resources since 1999 and is supported by over 20 years of superannuation experience from SelectingSuper.

The Good Guide Series

Money magazine’s The Good Super Guide, now in its 23rd edition, is a comprehensive annual print and digital resource for those interested in superannuation offerings and information. It covers all vital elements for understanding superannuation, including fees, returns, insurance, MySuper, investments and tax. It also shows consumers how to compare products.

The Good Investment Guide, now in its 6th edition, walks readers through investing in managed funds. The guide explains the different types of investment vehicles, performance, fees, how to access managed funds and more.

The guides include profiles from product providers and detail the Best of the Best Award winners across superannuation and managed funds.

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The Good Super Guide
Superannuation profiles

Superannuation funds and investment managers can showcase their offerings to prospective clients, members, financial advisers and employers by including their profile on the Money website, which is amplified through Money magazine’s The Good Super Guide and The Good Investment Guide, available in retail stores, online and on the Money app.

The profile provides detailed information of a superannuation product or managed fund to readers, connecting to Money’s performance tables and aligning with editorial content.

Having a profile will ensure your fund is a part of the conversation during the decision-making process.

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Money magazine offers a variety of placements and channels where advertisers can seamlessly connect with an audience of readers engaged in personal finance.

Access advertising placements across Money’s monthly print magazine, weekly newsletters, 'Friends with Money' podcast, video and website via CPM display, sponsored content or profile placements.

Print advertisements are also amplified digitally via the Money Magazine Australia app.

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Find out how Money can help you connect with prospective clients, members, employers and advisers who are looking for leading financial information.

Our Business Development team can take you through the awards, profile and advertising opportunities.

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