Who is the report for: The report is designed for institutional fund managers to assess mandate and competitive opportunities. Superannuation professionals can also use the report to review how competitors are awarding mandates and positioning their asset allocations.
Institutional market-wide indicators:
Growth trends in the investment management market, flows between asset classes and an assessment of potential custodial services providers in Australia.
Macro-market high level league tables:
Investment mandate movements and investment managers in Australia by consolidated funds under management (FUM) and growth size
Institutional market segment tables:
This part of the report compares investment managers by overall FUM across institutional, wholesale and retail markets. The report also looks at FUM sourced nationally or internationally, across ESG and boutique funds and provides league tables of managers by foreign or domestic ownership.
Asset class breakdowns:
Reviewing investment managers across asset classes, covering their FUM, market share and growth. Asset classes covered include Australian and international equities, Australian and international property, Australian and international fixed interest, cash, alternatives and more.
Superannuation and asset consultants:
Covering superannuation market assets, contributions and where they are coming from, asset mix, asset consultant market share by FUM across asset classes as well as league tables of the largest superannuation funds.
Investment management market components in Australia, annually to 30 June: Superannuation, term deposits, life offices and government ($ millions)
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The report reviews FUM and market share across platforms, investment vehicles, wholesale investment managers, super funds and financial advisers.
A review of Australia's superannuation market, analysing performance and market share by asset class, membership and FUM.