Who is the report for: The report is for investment managers and product providers who need to review distribution opportunities and assess their competitive positioning. Platform and managed account providers can use the report to compare market share and funds under advice changes with their peers, while also being provided with overall market trends.
Wholesale investment market-wide indicators:
Growth trends in the wholesale investment market, breakdowns of funds under management and growth across products types, including retail unit trusts, life offices, charities, governments, friendly societies and more, alongside superannuation funds contributions and market assets.
Platform league tables cover the largest groups administering platforms, the ownership of platforms, fastest growing platforms, largest superannuation and retirement master trusts, largest investment distribution platforms and more.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Listed Investment Companies (LICs) and mFunds:
Analysis of the largest ETFs, LICS and mFunds, assessing the growth and size of funds under management as well as the market share across products.
Investment managers:
A review of the largest institutional, wholesale and retail investment managers.
Investment consultants:
Assessing investment consultants in the wholesale market, reviewing their overall market share, alongside the market share across asset classes.
Growth in Australian funds under advice by platform: Managed accounts, ETFs, LICs and personal super
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